AI Shorts Category - MarkTechPost An Artificial Intelligence News Platform Thu, 20 Jun 2024 19:53:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AI Shorts Category - MarkTechPost 32 32 127842392 Anthropic AI Releases Claude 3.5: A New AI Model that Surpasses GPT-4o on Multiple Benchmarks While Being 2x Faster than Claude 3 Opus Thu, 20 Jun 2024 19:53:52 +0000 Anthropic AI has launched Claude 3.5 Sonnet, marking the first release in its new Claude 3.5 model family. This latest iteration of Claude brings significant advancements in AI capabilities, setting a new benchmark in the industry for intelligence and performance. Introduction to Claude 3.5 Sonnet Anthropic AI introduced Claude 3.5 Sonnet, which is available for […]

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Anthropic AI has launched Claude 3.5 Sonnet, marking the first release in its new Claude 3.5 model family. This latest iteration of Claude brings significant advancements in AI capabilities, setting a new benchmark in the industry for intelligence and performance.

Introduction to Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Anthropic AI introduced Claude 3.5 Sonnet, which is available for free on and the Claude iOS app. The model is accessible via the Anthropic API, Amazon Bedrock, and Google Cloud’s Vertex AI. Enhanced rate limits are provided for Claude Pro and Team plan subscribers. The pricing structure is set at $3 per million input tokens and $15 per million output tokens, with a 200K token context window, making it cost-effective and highly efficient.

Performance and Capabilities

Claude 3.5 Sonnet boasts twice the speed of its predecessor, Claude 3 Opus while maintaining mid-tier model costs. It excels in graduate-level reasoning, undergraduate-level knowledge, and coding proficiency, significantly improving understanding of nuance, humor, and complex instructions. Its ability to write high-quality content in a natural and relatable tone further solidifies its position as a leading AI model.

In internal coding evaluations, Claude 3.5 Sonnet outperformed previous models by solving 64% of problems, compared to 38% solved by Claude 3 Opus. This evaluation tested the model’s ability to fix bugs or add functionalities to an open-source codebase based on natural language descriptions. Claude 3.5 Sonnet demonstrated sophisticated reasoning and troubleshooting capabilities, making it particularly effective for updating legacy applications and migrating codebases.

Visual and Interactive Enhancements

Claude 3.5 Sonnet also improves visual reasoning, surpassing its predecessor in standard vision benchmarks. It can accurately transcribe text from imperfect images, a crucial capability for industries like retail, logistics, and financial services, where visual data interpretation is essential. This enhancement makes Claude 3.5 Sonnet highly effective in tasks requiring visual reasoning, such as interpreting charts and graphs.

Anthropic AI introduced “Artifacts,” a new feature on that allows users to generate and interact with content like code snippets, text documents, or website designs within a dynamic workspace. This feature marks Claude’s evolution from a conversational AI to a collaborative work environment, paving the way for team collaboration and centralized knowledge management.

Safety and Privacy

Safety and privacy remain paramount in Claude 3.5 Sonnet’s development. The model has undergone rigorous testing to minimize misuse, with safety mechanisms evaluated by external experts, including the UK’s Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (UK AISI). These evaluations ensure the model’s robustness against misuse while maintaining user privacy. Anthropic AI does not train its generative models on user-submitted data without explicit permission, reinforcing its commitment to data privacy.

Future Developments

Anthropic AI aims to continually improve the tradeoff between intelligence, speed, and cost. Later this year, the company plans to release Claude 3.5 Haiku and Claude 3.5 Opus, completing the Claude 3.5 model family. Future developments will also include new modalities and features to support more business use cases, including integrations with enterprise applications. The team is exploring features like Memory, which will enable Claude to remember user preferences and interaction history, enhancing personalization and efficiency.


Claude 3.5 Sonnet represents a significant leap in AI capabilities, offering advanced reasoning, coding proficiency, and visual understanding. With its introduction, Anthropic AI continues to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve, setting new standards for performance and safety. As the Claude 3.5 model family expands, users can look forward to powerful tools to support projects and workflows.

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]]> 0 58785
StreamSpeech: A Direct Simul-S2ST Speech-to-Speech Translation Model that Jointly Learns Translation and Simultaneous Policy in a Unified Framework of Multi-Task Learning Thu, 20 Jun 2024 18:45:00 +0000 Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention in the field of simultaneous speech-to-speech translation (SimulS2ST). This technology has become crucial for low-latency communication in various scenarios, such as international conferences, live broadcasts, and online subtitles. The primary challenge in SimulS2ST lies in producing high-quality translated speech with minimal delay. This requires a sophisticated policy […]

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Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention in the field of simultaneous speech-to-speech translation (SimulS2ST). This technology has become crucial for low-latency communication in various scenarios, such as international conferences, live broadcasts, and online subtitles. The primary challenge in SimulS2ST lies in producing high-quality translated speech with minimal delay. This requires a sophisticated policy to determine the optimal moments to initiate translation within streaming speech inputs (READ action) and subsequently generate coherent target speech outputs (WRITE action).

Current methodologies face several challenges. Existing simultaneous translation methods primarily focus on text-to-text (Simul-T2TT) and speech-to-text translation (Simul-S2TT). These approaches typically rely on cascading external modules like speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) to achieve SimulS2ST. However, this cascaded approach tends to amplify inference errors progressively between modules and impedes the joint optimization of various components, highlighting the need for a more integrated solution.

Researchers have made several attempts to address the challenges in simultaneous speech-to-speech translation, primarily focusing on Simul-T2TT and Simul-S2TT translation methods. In Simul-T2TT, approaches are categorized into fixed and adaptive methods. Fixed methods, such as the wait-k policy, employ a predetermined strategy of waiting for a set number of tokens before alternating between READ and WRITE actions. Adaptive methods utilize techniques like monotonic attention, alignments, non-autoregressive architecture, or language models to dynamically perform Simul-T2TT. For Simul-S2TT, the focus has been on speech segmentation. Fixed pre-decision methods divide speech into equal-length segments, while adaptive methods split speech inputs into words or segments before applying Simul-T2TT policies. Some researchers have also explored applying offline models to Simul-S2TT tasks. Despite these advancements, these methods still rely heavily on cascading external modules, which can lead to error propagation and hinder joint optimization of the translation process.

Researchers from Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT/CAS), Key Laboratory of AI Safety, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Future Science and Engineering, Soochow University present StreamSpeech, it addresses SimulS2ST challenges by introducing textual information for both source and target speech, providing intermediate supervision and guiding policy through text-based alignments. This direct SimulS2ST model employs a two-pass architecture, first translating source speech to target text hidden states, and then converting these to target speech. Multiple CTC decoders, optimized via ASR and S2TT auxiliary tasks, provide intermediate supervision and learn alignments for policy guidance. By jointly optimizing all modules through multi-task learning, StreamSpeech enables concurrent learning of translation and policy, potentially overcoming the limitations of previous cascaded approaches.

StreamSpeech’s architecture comprises three main components: a streaming speech encoder, a simultaneous text decoder, and a synchronized text-to-unit generation module. The streaming speech encoder utilizes a chunk-based Conformer design, which enables it to process streaming inputs while maintaining bi-directional encoding within local chunks. The simultaneous text decoder generates target text by attending to the source speech hidden states, guided by a policy that determines when to generate each target token. This policy is informed by alignments learned through multiple CTC decoders, which are optimized via auxiliary tasks of ASR and S2TT. The text-to-unit generation module employs a non-autoregressive architecture to synchronously generate units corresponding to the decoded text. Finally, a HiFi-GAN vocoder synthesizes the target speech from these units.

StreamSpeech demonstrates superior performance in both offline and S2ST tasks. In offline S2ST, it outperforms the state-of-the-art UnitY model with an average improvement of 1.5 BLEU. The model’s architecture, combining autoregressive speech-to-text translation with non-autoregressive text-to-unit generation, proves effective in balancing modeling capabilities and alignment capture. In simultaneous S2ST, StreamSpeech significantly outperforms the Wait-k baseline, showing approximately 10 BLEU improvement under low latency conditions across French, Spanish, and German to English translations. The model’s alignment-derived policy enables more appropriate translation timing and coherent target speech generation. Also, StreamSpeech shows advantages over cascaded systems, highlighting the benefits of its direct approach in reducing error accumulation and improving overall performance in Simul-S2ST tasks.

StreamSpeech represents a significant advancement in simultaneous speech-to-speech translation technology. This innovative “All in One” seamless model effectively handles streaming ASR, simultaneous translation, and real-time speech synthesis within a unified framework. Its comprehensive approach allows for improved performance across multiple tasks, including offline speech-to-speech translation, streaming ASR, simultaneous speech-to-text translation, and simultaneous speech-to-speech translation.

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]]> 0 58782
Firecrawl: A Powerful Web Scraping Tool for Turning Websites into Large Language Model (LLM) Ready Markdown or Structured Data Thu, 20 Jun 2024 16:56:18 +0000 In the rapidly advancing field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), effective use of web data can lead to unique applications and insights. A recent tweet has brought attention to Firecrawl, a potent tool in this field created by the Mendable AI team. Firecrawl is a state-of-the-art web scraping program made to tackle the complex problems involved […]

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In the rapidly advancing field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), effective use of web data can lead to unique applications and insights. A recent tweet has brought attention to Firecrawl, a potent tool in this field created by the Mendable AI team. Firecrawl is a state-of-the-art web scraping program made to tackle the complex problems involved in getting data off the internet. Web scraping is useful, but it frequently requires overcoming various challenges like proxies, caching, rate limitations, and material generated with JavaScript. Firecrawl is a vital tool for data scientists because it addresses these issues head-on.

Even without a sitemap, Firecrawl explores every page on a website that is accessible. This guarantees a complete data extraction procedure by ensuring that no important data is lost. Traditional scraping techniques encounter difficulties when dealing with the dynamic rendering of material on numerous modern websites that rely on JavaScript. But Firecrawl efficiently collects data from these kinds of websites, guaranteeing that users can access the entire range of information accessible. 

Firecrawl extracts data and returns it in a clean, well-formatted Markdown. This format is especially useful for Large Language Model (LLM) applications because it makes integrating and using the scraped data easy. Web scraping relies heavily on time, which Firecrawl solves by coordinating concurrent crawling, which dramatically accelerates the data extraction process. With this orchestration, users are guaranteed to receive the data they require promptly and effectively. 

Firecrawl uses a caching mechanism to optimize efficiency further. Content that has been scraped is cached, so unless fresh content is found, there is no need to perform full scrapes again. This feature lessens the load on target websites and saves time. Firecrawl provides clean data in a format that is ready for use right away, catering to the unique requirements of AI applications.

The tweet has highlighted the use of generative feedback loops for data chunk cleansing as one new aspect. In order to make sure the scraped data is valid and valuable, this procedure includes reviewing and refining it using generative models. Here, generative models offer comments on the data pieces, pointing out errors and making recommendations for enhancements. 

The data is improved through this iterative process, increasing its dependability for further analysis and application. The quality of datasets created can be greatly improved by introducing generative feedback loops. By using this approach, the data is both contextually correct and clean, which is important when it comes to making wise decisions and developing AI models.

To begin using Firecrawl, users must register on the website in order to receive an API key. With various SDKs for Python, Node, Langchain, and Llama Index integrations, the service provides an intuitive API. For a self-hosted solution, user can run Firecrawl locally. Users who submit a crawl job receive a job ID that allows them to monitor the crawl’s progress, making the process simple and effective.

In conclusion, with its great capabilities and smooth integration, Firecrawl is a major development in web scraping and data storage. It offers a complete solution for users wishing to access the abundance of online data resources when combined with the creative method of cleaning data via generative feedback loops.

Check out the GitHub Repo. All credit for this research goes to the researchers of this project. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter

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]]> 0 58779
Fireworks AI Releases Firefunction-v2: An Open Weights Function Calling Model with Function Calling Capability on Par with GPT4o at 2.5x the Speed and 10% of the Cost Thu, 20 Jun 2024 15:37:14 +0000 Fireworks AI releases Firefunction-v2, an open-source function-calling model designed to excel in real-world applications. It integrates with multi-turn conversations, instruction following, and parallel function calling. Firefunction-v2 offers a robust and efficient solution that rivals high-end models like GPT-4o but at a fraction of the cost and with superior speed and functionality. Introduction to Firefunction-v2 LLMs’ […]

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Fireworks AI releases Firefunction-v2, an open-source function-calling model designed to excel in real-world applications. It integrates with multi-turn conversations, instruction following, and parallel function calling. Firefunction-v2 offers a robust and efficient solution that rivals high-end models like GPT-4o but at a fraction of the cost and with superior speed and functionality.

Introduction to Firefunction-v2

LLMs’ capabilities have improved substantially in recent years, particularly with releases like Llama 3. These advancements have underscored the importance of function calling, allowing models to interact with external APIs and enhancing their utility beyond static data handling. Firefunction-v2 builds on these advancements, offering a model for real-world scenarios involving multi-turn conversations, instruction following, and parallel function calling.

Firefunction-v2 retains Llama 3’s multi-turn instruction capability while significantly outperforming it in function-calling tasks. It scores 0.81 on a medley of public benchmarks compared to GPT-4o’s 0.80, all while being far more cost-effective and faster. Specifically, Firefunction-v2 costs $0.9 per output token, compared to GPT-4o’s $15, and operates at 180 tokens per second versus GPT-4o’s 69 tokens per second.

The Creation Process

The development of Firefunction-v2 was driven by user feedback and the need for a model that excels in both function calling and general tasks. Unlike other open-source function calling models, which often sacrifice general reasoning abilities for specialized performance, Firefunction-v2 maintains a balance. It was fine-tuned from the Llama3-70b-instruct base model using a curated dataset that included function calling and general conversation data. This approach ensured the preservation of the model’s broad capabilities while enhancing its function-calling performance.

Evaluation and Performance

The evaluation of Firefunction-v2 involved a mix of publicly available datasets and benchmarks such as Gorilla and Nexus. The results showed that Firefunction-v2 outperformed its predecessor, Firefunction-v1, and other models like Llama3-70b-instruct and GPT-4o in various function-calling tasks. For example, Firefunction-v2 achieved higher scores in parallel function calling and multi-turn instruction following, demonstrating its adaptability and intelligence in handling complex tasks.

Highlighted Capabilities

Firefunction-v2’s capabilities are best illustrated through practical applications. The model reliably supports up to 30 function specifications, significantly improving over Firefunction-v1, which struggled with more than five functions. This capability is crucial for real-world applications, as it allows the model to handle multiple API calls efficiently, providing a seamless user experience. Firefunction-v2 excels in instruction-following, making intelligent decisions about when to call functions, and executing them accurately.

Getting Started with Firefunction-v2

Firefunction-v2 is accessible through Fireworks AI’s platform, which offers a speed-optimized setup with an OpenAI-compatible API. This compatibility allows users to integrate Firefunction-v2 into their existing systems with minimal changes. The model can also be explored through a demo app and UI playground, where users can experiment with various functions and configurations.


Firefunction-v2 is a testament to Fireworks AI’s commitment to advancing the capabilities of large language models in function calling. Firefunction-v2 sets a new standard for real-world AI applications by balancing speed, cost, and performance. The positive feedback from the developer community and the impressive benchmark results underscore its potential to revolutionize how function calls are integrated into AI systems. Fireworks AI continues to iterate on its models, driven by user feedback and a dedication to providing practical solutions for developers.

Check out the Docsmodel playground, demo UI app, and Hugging Face model page. All credit for this research goes to the researchers of this project. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter

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]]> 0 58775
Unveiling the Shortcuts: How Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Influences Language Model Behavior and Memory Utilization Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Researchers from Microsoft, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and the University of Maryland, College Park, address the challenge of understanding how Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) impacts language models’ reasoning and factual accuracy (LMs). The study focuses on whether LMs rely more on the external context provided by RAG than their parametric memory when generating responses […]

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Researchers from Microsoft, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and the University of Maryland, College Park, address the challenge of understanding how Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) impacts language models’ reasoning and factual accuracy (LMs). The study focuses on whether LMs rely more on the external context provided by RAG than their parametric memory when generating responses to factual queries.

Current methods for improving the factual accuracy of LMs often involve either enhancing the internal parameters of the models or using external retrieval systems to provide additional context during inference. Techniques like ROME and MEMIT focus on editing the model’s internal parameters to update knowledge. However, there has been limited exploration into how these models balance the use of internal (parametric) knowledge and external (non-parametric) context in RAG.

The researchers propose a mechanistic examination of RAG pipelines to determine how much LMs depend on external context versus their internal memory when answering factual queries. They use two advanced LMs, LLaMa-2 and Phi-2, to conduct their analysis, employing methods like Causal Mediation Analysis, Attention Contributions, and Attention Knockouts.

The researchers utilized three key techniques to manage the inner workings of LMs under RAG:

1. Causal tracing identifies which hidden states in the model are crucial for factual predictions. By comparing a corrupted run (where part of the input is deliberately altered) with a clean run and a restoration run (where clean activations are reintroduced into the corrupted run), the researchers measure the Indirect Effect (IE) to determine the importance of specific hidden states.

2. Attention contributions look into the attention weights between the subject token and the last token in the output. This helps by analyzing how much attention each token receives to see if the model relies more on the external context provided by RAG or its internal knowledge.

3. Attention knockouts involve setting critical attention weights to negative infinity to block information flow between specific tokens. By observing the drop in prediction quality when these attention weights are knocked out, the researchers can identify which connections are essential for accurate predictions.

The results revealed that in the presence of RAG context, both LLaMa-2 and Phi-2 models showed a significant decrease in reliance on their internal parametric memory. The Average Indirect Effect of subject tokens in the query was notably lower when RAG context was present. Additionally, the last token residual stream derived more enriched information from the attribute tokens in the context rather than the subject tokens in the query. Attention Contributions and Knockouts further confirmed that the models prioritized external context over internal memory for factual predictions. However, the exact nature of how this approach works isn’t clearly understood.

In conclusion, the proposed method demonstrates that language models present a “shortcut” behavior, heavily relying on the external context provided by RAG over their internal parametric memory for factual queries. By mechanistically analyzing how LMs process and prioritize information, the researchers provide valuable insights into the interplay between parametric and non-parametric knowledge in retrieval-augmented generation. The study highlights the need for understanding these dynamics to improve model performance and reliability in practical applications.

Check out the Paper. All credit for this research goes to the researchers of this project. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter

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]]> 0 58769
CodiumAI PR-Agent: An AI-Powered Tool for Automated Pull Request Analysis, Feedback, Suggestions and More Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Managing pull requests can be time-consuming and challenging for development teams. Reviewing code changes, ensuring compliance, updating documentation, and maintaining consistent quality are essential but demanding tasks. The complexity increases with the size and frequency of pull requests, often leading to delays and bottlenecks in the development process. Currently, several tools and practices aim to […]

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Managing pull requests can be time-consuming and challenging for development teams. Reviewing code changes, ensuring compliance, updating documentation, and maintaining consistent quality are essential but demanding tasks. The complexity increases with the size and frequency of pull requests, often leading to delays and bottlenecks in the development process.

Currently, several tools and practices aim to ease the burden of pull request management. Automated testing and continuous integration systems help catch errors early. Code review platforms facilitate collaboration among team members. Despite these tools, the process relies heavily on manual effort and oversight, which can be inefficient and error-prone.

Meet PR-Agent: An AI-powered tool designed to address these challenges by providing AI-powered assistance for handling pull requests. It offers features such as automatic description generation, review feedback, code improvement suggestions, and more. By integrating with popular git platforms like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps, PR-Agent aims to streamline and enhance the pull request workflow.

The following diagram illustrates PR-Agent tools and their flow

The toolset of PR-Agent includes commands for describing pull requests, reviewing code, suggesting improvements, answering questions, updating changelogs, and finding similar issues. Advanced features available in the Pro version include generating documentation, custom labels, analyzing code components, and providing CI feedback. PR-Agent’s core capabilities are powered by the GPT-4 model, ensuring quick and accurate responses. The system also supports multiple models and static code analysis for comprehensive assistance.

PR-Agent provides rapid responses, typically within 30 seconds, making it practical for real-time usage. The PR Compression strategy efficiently handles both short and long pull requests, ensuring relevant information is processed. Modular and customizable tools, controlled via configuration files, allow teams to tailor the agent’s functionality to their specific needs. PR-Agent’s support for multiple git providers and integration methods enhances its versatility and accessibility.

In conclusion, PR-Agent offers a comprehensive solution for improving pull request management. By leveraging AI to automate and enhance various aspects of the process, it helps development teams save time, reduce errors, and maintain high-quality standards. Whether used in its basic or Pro version, PR-Agent aims to make the task of handling pull requests more efficient and effective.

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]]> 0 58766
Meet Baselit: An AI-Powered Startup that Automatically Optimizes Snowflake Costs with Zero Human Effort Thu, 20 Jun 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Given the present state of the economy, data teams must ensure that they get the most out of their Snowflake investment. The primary function of Snowflake is that of a data warehouse. Data teams can store and handle data with this cloud-based solution. A big worry for data teams is snowflake expenses. Discussions with data […]

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Given the present state of the economy, data teams must ensure that they get the most out of their Snowflake investment. The primary function of Snowflake is that of a data warehouse. Data teams can store and handle data with this cloud-based solution. A big worry for data teams is snowflake expenses. Discussions with data teams revealed that minimizing expenses was a top objective for the company. Data teams spend a lot of time looking for methods to save money every few months by hand. One surefire strategy to cut costs with Snowflake is to optimize queries and process less data. Nevertheless, these tasks yield low returns on investment due to the constant work and bandwidth required.

Meet Baselit, a platform for automated Snowflake optimization. Baselit optimizes Snowflake costs automatically, eliminating the need for human intervention. With Beselit, data teams may automate cost optimization in addition to their human work.

How does Baselit function?

In most cases, processing less data is your only option for reducing data processing costs (i.e., query optimization). However, by reducing the computing power required to process the same data, an additional dimension becomes available through Snowflake’s warehouse abstraction, allowing for optimization along this line. With Baselit, optimizing your Snowflake warehouse is a breeze.

Micro-partitions, which include active storage, time travel, fail-safe, and cloning bytes, are used to determine Snowflake’s storage costs. The storage provider’s rates, which are usually around $23 per terabyte (TB) per month, are applied to the average of the data use snapshots taken hourly and averaged over a month to arrive at the cost computation.

Baselit makes it simple to discover your potential savings. Your Snowflake’s savings can be determined by running the provided SQL query.

The two primary parts of Baselit are:

Automated agents: Warehouses with automated agents spend less time sitting idle. Cache optimization (determining when to suspend a warehouse rather than leaving it idle) and cluster optimization (selecting the appropriate spin-down of clusters) are the two main mechanisms by which this occurs.

Autoscaler: Scaler that automates creating SLA-based scaling strategies for multi-cluster warehouses. The Economy and Standard insurance that comes with Snowflake are only sometimes the most cost-effective, and they don’t provide much leeway either. By creating a unique scaling policy for each warehouse, Autoscaler helps you save money and boost performance.

To optimize Snowflake expenses, Baselit has developed additional functionalities as follows:

  • dbt optimizer that selects the optimal size of the dbt model’s warehouse automatically via iterative testing
  • A “cost lineage” that breaks down spending by teams, roles, and users.
  • Recommendations are generated automatically by analyzing Snowflake metadata.

To Sum It Up

Today, optimizing Snowflake costs is essential, not optional, in our data-driven environment. Businesses can utilize Baselit to their advantage to fully utilize Snowflake while maintaining a good profit margin. Baselit lets data teams concentrate on their strengths—driving informed decision-making by collecting important insights from data—with its automated methodology and detailed cost insights.

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]]> 0 58763
MINT-1T: An Open-Source Trillion Token Multimodal Interleaved Dataset and a Key Component for Training Large Multimodal Models LMMs Thu, 20 Jun 2024 06:50:00 +0000 Large open-source pre-training datasets are important for the research community in exploring data engineering and developing transparent, open-source models. However, there’s a major shift from frontier labs to training large multimodal models (LMMs) that need large datasets containing both images and texts. The capabilities of these frontier models are advancing quickly, creating a large gap […]

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Large open-source pre-training datasets are important for the research community in exploring data engineering and developing transparent, open-source models. However, there’s a major shift from frontier labs to training large multimodal models (LMMs) that need large datasets containing both images and texts. The capabilities of these frontier models are advancing quickly, creating a large gap between the multimodal training data available for closed and open-source models. Current open-source multimodal datasets are smaller and less diverse compared to text-only datasets, making it challenging to develop strong open-source LMMs and widening the gap in performance between open and closed-source models.

Some of the related works discussed in this paper are Multimodal Interleaved Data, Large Open-source Pre-training Datasets, and LMMs. Multimodal interleaved datasets were first presented in Flamingo and CM3. The first open-source versions of these datasets were Multimodal-C4 and OBELICS. Recent works like Chameleon and MM1 have scaled OBELICS to train state-of-the-art multimodal models. The second approach is the backbone of open-source research and is important for training strong open-source multimodal models. In LMMs, researchers aim to pre-train language models using large-scale multimodal interleaved and image-text datasets. This was introduced by Flamingo and adopted by open-source models like OpenFlamingo, Idefics, and Emu.

Researchers from the University of Washington, Salesforce Research, Stanford University, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of California, Berkeley have proposed Multimodal INTerleaved (MINT-1T). Currently, MINT-1T is the largest and most diverse open-source multimodal interleaved dataset, which contains one trillion text tokens and three billion images, collected from various sources such as HTML, PDFs, and ArXiv. LLMs trained on MINT-1T offer 10 times improvement in scale and potentially it outperform models trained on the best existing open-source dataset, OBELICS which contains a 115 billion text token dataset with 353M images sourced only from HTML.

MINT-1T has created a large open-source dataset by collecting diverse sources of mixed documents, including PDFs and ArXiv papers, and the final dataset contains 965B HTML document tokens, 51B PDF tokens, and 10B ArXiv tokens. For filtering text quality, not using model-based heuristics helps in the efficient scaling of tex-only models. This includes eliminating non-English documents using Fasttext’s language identification model with a confidence threshold of 0.65. Further, documents containing URLs with NSFW substrings are removed to avoid pornographic and undesirable content, and text filtering methods from RefinedWeb are applied to remove documents with excessive duplicate n-grams.

To enhance the performance of In-Context Learning, models are prompted with 1 to 15 examples and executed a single trial per shot count for each evaluation benchmark. The results show that the model trained on MINT-1T performs better than the model trained on the HTML subset of MINT-1T for all shots. Further, MINT-1T models perform similarly to the OBELICS from 1 to 10 but outperform after 10 shots. When evaluating performance on MMMU for each domain, MINT-1T outperforms OBELICS and HTML baseline of MINT-1T, except in the Business domain. The method shows enhanced performance in Science and Technology domains due to the high representation of these domains in ArXiv and PDF documents.

In this paper, researchers have introduced MINT-1T, the first open-source trillion token multimodal interleaved dataset and an important component for training large multimodal models. This method is an important resource for the research community to do open science on multimodal interleaved datasets. MINT-1T outperforms the previous largest open-source dataset in this domain, OBELICS that contains a 115 billion text token dataset with 353M images sourced only from HTML. Future work includes training models on larger subsets of MINT-1T, and developing multimodal document filtering methods to enhance data quality.

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Meta FAIR’s Groundbreaking AI Releases: Enhancing Creativity, Efficiency, and Responsibility in Open Science AI Research and Development Thu, 20 Jun 2024 05:39:10 +0000 Meta’s Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) team has announced several significant advancements in artificial intelligence research, models, and datasets. These contributions, grounded in openness, collaboration, excellence, and scale principles, aim to foster innovation and responsible AI development. Meta FAIR has released six major research artifacts, highlighting their commitment to advancing AI through openness and collaboration. These […]

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Meta’s Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) team has announced several significant advancements in artificial intelligence research, models, and datasets. These contributions, grounded in openness, collaboration, excellence, and scale principles, aim to foster innovation and responsible AI development.

Meta FAIR has released six major research artifacts, highlighting their commitment to advancing AI through openness and collaboration. These artifacts include state-of-the-art models for image-to-text and text-to-music generation, a multi-token prediction model, and a new technique for detecting AI-generated speech. These releases are intended to inspire further research and development within the AI community and encourage responsible advancements in AI technologies.

One of the prominent releases is the Meta Chameleon model family. These models integrate text and images as inputs and outputs, utilizing a unified architecture for encoding and decoding. Unlike traditional models that rely on diffusion-based learning, Meta Chameleon employs tokenization for text and images, offering a more streamlined and scalable approach. This innovation opens up numerous possibilities, such as generating creative captions for images or combining text prompts and images to create new scenes. The components of Chameleon 7B and 34B models are available under a research-only license, designed for mixed-modal inputs and text-only outputs, with a strong emphasis on safety and responsible use. 

Another noteworthy contribution is introducing a multi-token prediction approach for language models. Traditional LLMs predict the next word in a sequence, a method that can be inefficient. Meta FAIR’s new approach predicts multiple future words simultaneously, enhancing model capabilities and training efficiency while allowing for faster processing speeds. Pre-trained models for code completion using this approach are available under a non-commercial, research-only license.

Meta FAIR has also developed a novel text-to-music generation model named JASCO (Meta Joint Audio and Symbolic Conditioning for Temporally Controlled Text-to-Music Generation). JASCO can accept various conditioning inputs, such as specific chords or beats, to improve control over the generated music. This model employs information bottleneck layers and temporal blurring techniques to extract relevant information, enabling more versatile and controlled music generation. The research paper detailing JASCO’s capabilities is now available, with inference code and pre-trained models to be released later.

In the realm of responsible AI, Meta FAIR has unveiled AudioSeal, an audio watermarking technique for detecting AI-generated speech. Unlike traditional watermarking methods, AudioSeal focuses on the localized detection of AI-generated content, providing faster and more efficient detection. This innovation enhances detection speed up to 485 times compared to previous methods, making it suitable for large-scale and real-time applications. AudioSeal is released under a commercial license and is part of Meta FAIR’s broader efforts to prevent the misuse of generative AI tools.

Meta FAIR has also collaborated with external partners to release the PRISM dataset, which maps the sociodemographics and stated preferences of 1,500 participants from 75 countries. This dataset, derived from over 8,000 live conversations with 21 different LLMs, provides valuable insights into dialogue diversity, preference diversity, and welfare outcomes. The goal is to inspire broader participation in AI development and foster a more inclusive approach to technology design.

Meta FAIR has developed tools like the “DIG In” indicators to evaluate potential biases in their ongoing efforts to address geographical disparities in text-to-image generation systems. A large-scale study involving over 65,000 annotations was conducted to understand regional variations in geographic representation perceptions. This work led to the introduction of the contextualized Vendi Score guidance, which aims to increase the representation diversity of generated images while maintaining or improving quality and consistency.

Key takeaways from the recent research:

  • Meta Chameleon Model Family: Integrates text and image generation using a unified architecture, enhancing scalability and creativity.
  • Multi-Token Prediction Approach: Improves language model efficiency by predicting multiple future words simultaneously, speeding up processing.
  • JASCO Model: Enables versatile text-to-music generation with various conditioning inputs for better output control.
  • AudioSeal Technique: Detects AI-generated speech with high efficiency and speed, promoting responsible use of generative AI.
  • PRISM Dataset: Provides insights into dialogue and preference diversity, fostering inclusive AI development and broader participation.

These contributions from Meta FAIR underline their commitment to AI research while ensuring responsible and inclusive development. By sharing these advancements with the global AI community, Meta FAIR hopes to drive innovation and foster collaborative efforts to address the challenges and opportunities in AI.


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Harnessing Machine Learning for Advanced Bioprocess Development: From Data-Driven Optimization to Real-Time Monitoring Thu, 20 Jun 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Modern bioprocess development, driven by advanced analytical techniques, digitalization, and automation, generates extensive experimental data valuable for process optimization—ML methods to analyze these large datasets, enabling efficient exploration of design spaces in bioprocessing. Specifically, ML techniques have been applied in strain engineering, bioprocess optimization, scale-up, and real-time monitoring and control. Conventional sensors in chemical and […]

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Modern bioprocess development, driven by advanced analytical techniques, digitalization, and automation, generates extensive experimental data valuable for process optimization—ML methods to analyze these large datasets, enabling efficient exploration of design spaces in bioprocessing. Specifically, ML techniques have been applied in strain engineering, bioprocess optimization, scale-up, and real-time monitoring and control. Conventional sensors in chemical and bioprocessing measure basic variables like pressure, temperature, and pH. However, measuring the concentration of other chemical species typically requires slower, invasive at-line or off-line methods. By leveraging the interaction of monochromatic light with molecules, Raman spectroscopy allows for real-time sensing and differentiation of chemical species through their unique spectral profiles.

Applying ML and DL methods to process Raman spectral data holds great potential for enhancing the prediction accuracy and robustness of analyte concentrations in complex mixtures. Preprocessing Raman spectra and employing advanced regression models have outperformed traditional methods, particularly in managing high-dimensional data with overlapping spectral contributions. Challenges such as the curse of dimensionality and limited training data are addressed through methods like synthetic data augmentation and feature importance analysis. Additionally, integrating predictions from multiple models and using low-dimensional representations through techniques like Variational Autoencoders can further improve the robustness and accuracy of regression models. This approach, tested across diverse datasets and target variables, demonstrates significant advancements in the monitoring and controlling bioprocesses.

Application of Machine Learning in Bioprocess Development:

ML has profoundly impacted bioprocess development, particularly in strain selection and engineering stages. ML leverages large, complex datasets to optimize biocatalyst design and metabolic pathway predictions, enhancing productivity and efficiency. Ensemble learning and neural networks integrate genomic data with bioprocess parameters, enabling predictive modeling and strain improvement. Challenges include extrapolation limitations and the need for diverse datasets for non-model organisms. ML tools such as the Automated Recommendation Tool for Synthetic Biology aid in iterative design cycles, advancing synthetic biology applications. Overall, ML offers versatile tools crucial for accelerating bioprocess development and innovation.

Bioprocess Optimization Using Machine Learning:

ML is pivotal in optimizing bioprocesses, focusing on enhancing titers, rates, and yields (TRY) through precise control of physicochemical parameters. ML techniques like support vector machine (SVM) regression and Gaussian process (GP) regression predict optimal conditions for enzymatic activities and media composition. Applications span from optimizing fermentation parameters for various products to predicting light distribution in algae cultivation. ML models, including artificial neural networks (ANNs), are employed for complex data analysis from microscopy images, aiding in microfluidic-based high-throughput bioprocess development. Challenges include scaling ML models from lab to industrial production and addressing variability and complexity inherent on larger scales.

ML in Process Analytical Technology (PAT) for Bioprocess Monitoring and Control:

In bioprocess development for commercial production, Process Analytical Technology (PAT) ensures compliance with regulatory standards like those set by the FDA and EMA. ML techniques are pivotal in PAT for monitoring critical process parameters (CPPs) and maintaining biopharmaceutical products’ critical quality attributes (CQAs). Using ML models such as ANNs and support vector machines (SVMs), soft sensors enable real-time prediction of process variables where direct measurement is challenging. These models, integrated into digital twins, facilitate predictive process behavior analysis and optimization. Challenges include data transferability and adaptation to new plant conditions, driving research towards enhanced transfer learning techniques in bioprocessing applications.

Enhancing Raman Spectroscopy in Bioprocessing through Machine Learning:

Traditional online sensors are limited to basic variables like pressure, temperature, and pH in bioprocessing and chemical processing while measuring other chemical species often requires slower, invasive methods. Raman spectroscopy offers real-time sensing capabilities using monochromatic light to distinguish molecules based on their unique spectral profiles. ML and DL methods enhance Raman spectroscopy by modeling relationships between spectral profiles and analyte concentrations. Techniques include preprocessing of spectra, feature selection, and augmentation of training data to improve prediction accuracy and robustness for monitoring multiple variables crucial in bioprocess control. Successful applications include predicting concentrations of biomolecules like glucose, lactate, and product titers in real time.


ML is increasingly integral in bioprocess development, evolving from individual tools to comprehensive frameworks covering entire process pipelines. Embracing open-source methodologies and databases is crucial for rapid advancement, fostering collaboration and data accessibility. ML facilitates the exploration of vast unanalyzed datasets, promising new strategies in bioprocess development. Transfer learning and ensemble methods address challenges like overfitting, underfitting, and data scarcity. As ML methods like deep learning and reinforcement learning continue to advance with computational capabilities, they offer transformative potential for optimizing bioprocesses and shaping a data-driven future in biotechnology.


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